Archives in Sport Management and Leadership (ASML) is an open access Semiannual journal published by the University of Isfahan. This journal follows the principles and criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in reviewing and publishing scientific papers. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Cross iThenticate plagiarism checker application to ensure their originality, afterward evaluated by reviewers. In this journal, the peer review method (anonymous) is used to review articles. under open access publications, all papers published in this journal are freely available to the public on the journal's website free of charge.
Submitting the completed file of authors' details, commitment letter, and conflict of interest is mandatory

Necessary files
Authorship Form 
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form 

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 - Serial Number 8, September 2024 

Effectiveness of Advertising on Attracting Customers in Educational Gyms in Yazd Province

Pages 85-92


Alireza Babaei Mazreno; Esmat Babaei; Abbas Fattahi Bafghi; Mohammad Hassan Sadeghzadah

Publication Information

Indexing and Abstracting

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