Publication Ethics

    Ethics in Publishing

Role of Authors and Contributors

Each author should have participated significantly and sufficiently in the work to take responsibility for the whole content. authorship credit should be based only on:

1) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;

2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;

3) Final approval of the version to be published; and

4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Conditions 1 to 4 must all be met. All who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors and their names should be included in the Title Page.

Role of the Corresponding Author

The corresponding author is the individual who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal office during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process. The corresponding author typically ensures that all the journal’s administrative requirements, such as providing details of authorship, ethics committee approval, and disclosures of relationships and activities, are properly completed and reported, although these duties may be delegated to one or more coauthors.

The corresponding author will check the proof edition, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, although a copy of conversations will be sent to all co-authors. The corresponding author should be also available after publication to respond to critiques of the work and cooperate with any requests from the journal for data or additional information should questions about the paper arise after publication.

disclosure of information

All participants in the peer-review and publication process must consider and disclose their relationships and activities when fulfilling their roles in the process of article review and publication:

  1. Authors

When authors submit a manuscript of any type or format they are responsible for disclosing all relationships and activities that might bias or be seen to bias their work. The lead corresponding author is responsible to complete and submit the Disclosure Form.

  1. Peer Reviewers

Reviewers should declare if they have relationships or activities that could complicate their review. Reviewers must disclose to editors any relationships or activities that could bias their opinions of the manuscript, and should recuse themselves from reviewing specific manuscripts if the potential for bias exists. Reviewers must not use knowledge of the work they are reviewing before its publication to further their own interests.

Reporting Relationships and Activities

The lead corresponding author, on behalf of all co-authors, should declare the following items on the Disclosure Form:

  1. Authors’ relationships and activities;
  2. Sources of support for the work, including sponsor names along with explanations of the role of those sources, if any, in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; any restrictions regarding the submission of the report for publication; or a statement declaring that the supporting source had no such involvement or restrictions regarding publication;
  3. Whether the authors had access to the study data, with an explanation of the nature and extent of access, including whether access is ongoing.

Overlapping Publications

  1. Duplicate Submission

Authors should not submit the same manuscript, in the same or different languages, simultaneously to more than one journal. The rationale for this standard is the potential for disagreement when two (or more) journals claim the right to publish a manuscript that has been submitted simultaneously to more than one journal, and the possibility that two or more journals will unknowingly and unnecessarily undertake the work of peer review, edit the same manuscript, and publish the same article.

  1. Duplicate and Prior Publication

Duplicate publication is publication of a paper that overlaps substantially with one already published, without clear, visible reference to the previous publication

Permission Rules

  1. Permission to use or publish an institution data:

If you wish to publish the data/information of an institution, you should seek the institution permission and provide us with the signed permission once submitting the manuscript or in the review process stage.

  1. Using online information:

Most materials on the Internet are protected by the copyright. In such case, authors need to obtain permission from the source which owns the copyright. Some online materials, however, may not be original to the website and you need to identify the right-holder and seek permission.



The ASML uses the Cross iThenticate Plagiarism detector to screen submitted manuscripts for originality. Using this service, we can detect if a manuscript contains passages of text that appear in other publications or resources. The duplication should not be more than 20%.


The ASML supports the Open Access initiative. Abstracts and full texts (PDF format) of all articles published by the ASML are freely accessible to everyone immediately upon publication. Users are free to copy and redistribute the ASML published articles in any medium or format under the Creative commons license terms and conditions, but need to provide the appropriate bibliographic citation of the ASML published articles in their works.